Installing on Mac/zh-cn

FreeCAD 通过安装器在 Mac OS X 上安装只需要一步。

If you would like to download a development version, which may be unstable, see the Weekly builds download page.

You can also use a package manager such as HomeBrew to keep your software updated. Instructions to install HomeBrew can be seen here. When HomeBrew installed you can simply install FreeCAD through your bash terminal with

brew install --cask freecad

and to use the latest version available on HomeBrew you may run

brew install freecad

If there are any issues with the HomeBrew Cask or Formula you may report them to here.

此页描述了 FreeCAD 安装器的使用方法及特性。它也包含了卸载指令。 一旦成功安装,你就能 入门!


FreeCAD 安装器是一个包含了文件应用程序包 (.app)的磁盘映像文件.

The FreeCAD installer is provided as a app package (.app) enclosed in a disk image file.

你可以从 下载 页面下载最新的安装器。下载完成之后,只需要加载该磁盘映像,然后拖动它到应用程序目录或者你喜欢的任意目录下。

就是这样。只需要点击该应用程序以启动 FreeCAD。如果它弹出信息 "FreeCAD can't be open as it is from unidentified developer." 打开目录(应用程序)并且右击程序然后点击 ”打开“ 并 接受 以打开该应用程序。


现在没有一个 FreeCAD 卸载器。如果想完全移除 FreeCAD 和所有已经安装的组件,拖动下面的文件和文件夹到回收站:

  • 在 /Applications:
    • FreeCAD


Install on Unix/zh-cn
Getting started/zh-cn